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 Inspiring, encouraging and supporting professional, amateur and young musicians to bring live music into care homes across the UK, to help those in the last years of their lives find enjoyment and peace of mind.

To apply for funding from the I See You Community Social Fund please contact Glastonbury Care Home for a short application form. The fund can offer quick financial support for any person residing in care who is in need of personal items. It is a quick and straightforward process pleae email for further info or to apply. 

Yellow Minimalist “Twilight Plant” Album Cover (2000 × 1500px) (2).png

Latest ISY News

Fundraising Initiatives 2023

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Over £5000 has now been raised

The 'I See You' song was especially written and recorded by professional musicians to accompany a short video filmed at Glastonbury Care Home with three aims in mind:


  1. To promote the I See You Project in encouraging and supporting professional, amateur and young musicians across the UK to bring live music bedside to elderly residents in their local care/nursing homes who are unable to get out of bed or reluctant to leave their rooms. Through the emotional connection of music they find comfort opening a connection with their community, relieve loneliness and boredom, find enjoyment, discover new friendships and peace of mind.


  1. To raise funds for the I See You Community Social Fund led by Glastonbury Care Home whose aim is to financially support those residents in care/nursing home across the UK on Local Authority funding who have little or no financial means to access the basic necessities of life. Local Authority funding often only covers the care/nursing home fees and residents are unable to buy the essentials of life such as clothing, toiletries, keep hair tidy or even buy a snug pair of slippers or shoes.


  1. To support and campaign for better pay and conditions in raising awareness of the wonderful work undertaken 24/7 - 365 by care workers in care/nursing homes across the UK.


                                I SEE YOU - seeing residents and care staff as the wonderful people they are.




It was with utter shame and embarrassment as a professional musician of many years that I had not stepped one foot in a care home. I had not thought about or even considered for one minute the skills I had as a musician could bring joy, a deeper emotional connection and peace of mind to those of an older generation residing in care homes as they lived out the final days of their life. 


The I See You project was born after my dad had a stroke and suffering from the early stages of dementia was admitted and subsequently died six months later in a care home in Kent. He was my hero. During one of my last visits to see dad he was significantly more together, brighter and happier and on asking him why, he said two young girls had come into the care home and sung karaoke style to the residents. Dad said the singing was awful but he loved hearing live music and for that hour they sung he said he completely forgot he was old and at the end of his life. He described it as a great relief and peace of mind for that one hour. 


Within a matter of weeks Dad had passed away.  


His death and seeing the joy and peace he had experienced for that short time that one day had a profound effect on me and I knewI had to take live music to the bedsides of those in care. Not think it, not dream it, not talk about it but do it and keep doing it well until I can do it no longer and expect nothing in return just give. 


Although I didn’t realise it then the I See You project was born.  I was about to travel a journey where I found out more about myself than the notes I played. I unexpectedly made friends with so many elderly people and connected with them in a way I hadn’t experienced or enjoyed before. I’ve laughed, and cried, been moved and fulfilled in equal measure. 


I could write for hours about the wonderful people I’ve met as they travel the last days of their life and how interacting with them through the untouchable power of live music has bought so much to them that can never be put into words but you see it in their eyes and their smile. 


Yet something so simple and with a country full of professional, amateur and young musicians so little of it happens. Why? 


Just giving live music for half an hour a week, a month or twice a year will make a huge difference to their well being and their heart and soul and they will give back in return in ways never thought possible. 


Music and the soul can not be seen or touched and that is why they are the perfect partners and because music cares. 

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